"Hawx India is quite confident and competent of addressing your software needs and eagerly looks forward to an opportunity to.."
Excellence by Quality
Hawx India Software Solutions Provider Pvt. Ltd., a Pune based company, focuses on innovating and enhancing the value chain that will assist traditional business models migrate to the networked economy. Hawx India has built a strong, experienced management team that works with and leads a group of extremely bright, talented and innovative software engineers.
At Hawx India, we share a vision of dedicating our knowledge and expertise to help and create a world which is enhanced through Information Technology. As we continue to grow more successful and scale new heights, we see ourselves helping our customers to accelerate their business through the application of innovative technology.

 our team
Hawx India Software enjoys partnerships with the companies that are shaping the information technology marketplace.
Our Partners are a key to meeting Hawx India's goals, but more importantly, to enable you to have access to the best hardware and software systems for building enterprise-wide, client/server and Internet-based solutions.

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